How shaming culture jumped from television to the internet

An interesting Retro Report about the rise of shaming culture (from shows like Ricki Lake and Jerry Springer) and the importance of not jumping to conclusions when we hear a horrible story on the internet today. The internet is set up in such a way to make it easy to ingest information in quick bites but sometimes that can backfire and hurt people in ways we might not even take a second to think about.

One story profile in the video above is the aunt who sued her nephew for injuring her during a hug (a huge news story not too long ago) and another one that comes to mind is the old woman who sued McDonald's for burning her with hot coffee (an entire documentary was made to tell the real story behind that lawsuit).

PS: If you're wondering what Ricki Lake is up to these days, here's a video below.


Finally, some new music from Justice


Bad Lip Reading of High School Musical might be the best one of all