Portrait of an elderly woman living alone in Chinatown
The Atlantic recently posted this incredibly heartbreaking video story about an elderly woman living alone in NYC Chinatown. I often see people similar to this lady in Chinatown, all on their own and sometimes I wonder what their story is. I wonder if they have family. If they have work to go to. If they need company late at night. I feel for these people because I know how lonely it can get in NYC sometimes being an American and here is a portrait of somebody who immigrated here for a better life in what I perceive to be less than stellar circumstances.
But of course, I can make up all the stories I want but I'll never really know these people unless I take the time to know who they are. That's what Mantai Chow did here with this sweet old lady.
The video ends rather tragically, but I have good news to report: SHE IS CONFIRMED TO BE ALIVE AND STILL IN CHINATOWN.