Cheap way to make your own MTA Subway countdown clock at home

Subway Countdown Clock

There are a number of unique ways to have a Subway countdown clock timer in your own home, but many of them require a good chunk of investment or technical know-how.

My favorite one I’ve seen is this DIY LED matrix display that looks most like the actual countdown timers in the NYC Subway. But even this one requires quite a bit of elbow grease to get working.

There is also this Arduino Subway Clock that uses a tiny LED display but the final result, while providing the correct information, doesn’t quite look the part.

And there is this small informational display running on a Raspberry Pi that doesn’t quite look like any of the clocks in the stations but still provides relevant arrival information.

The cheapest most affordable option however, outside of the MTA’s official website, is this customizable website from Subway Here. If you have an iPad or a TV or anything with a browser, all you have to do is bookmark the page (or leave it on a TV screen all day long) and the subway information for any selected lines is shown. I’ve had this set up on an iPad and it works great.


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