Colorware can give your Apple peripherals a piano black makeover
So...this is a no go for me. I like the piano black, but having something colored in glossy black just looks horrendous. Take these photos here for example. That Apple keyboard looks like a cheap mess. And somehow, the mouse, while a little bit better, just doesn't look as smooth as the iPhone next to it. Why would anybody do this?
Colorware can make your new iMac look like an old retro Mac
Got $3800 lying around? Sure you do! Everybody does right? So why not spend all that extra cash you have on this retro-styled (or retro-colored) Apple 27" iMac? Limited to just 25 units, this special re-coloring of the aluminum iMac turns your new computer into a slightly older looking unit while still maintaining all that blazing fast speed in the iMac. I forgot how nice that rainbow Apple logo looked on beige. Man, beige...the most boring color in the world and the color of all PCs for a hot minute. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!