Pop Culture Fan.tasia
I've heard this Madeon remix before, but I've never seen it with this Disney mashup. Amazing video!
Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter (acapella cover)
LISTEN TO THIS. So good. If you've never heard the original song, you can check it out here (the music video is fantastic).
Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter
Check out this short film with A-1 Pictures and Crunchyroll set to the tune of "Shelter" by Porter Robinson and Madeon.
Fan.tasia: A wonderful mashup of Disney films set to Madeon
It's been ages since I've listened to Pop Culture by Madeon. And this mashup of Disney films set to this music is the perfect reminder that, 1) Disney still rules the screen; and 2) this song still rocks my socks (I used it a few years back as the soundtrack to riding through a hurricane in NYC).