Random collection of Godzilla comic book covers
I love, love, love, love, love these Godzilla comic book covers. I have had these images sitting in a special folder on my desktop for a few months now as general art inspiration and now that I'm posting about them, I cannot figure out where I found them originally! I feel horrible! I thought it might have been from one of my favorite blogs, Monster Brains, but I can't seem to find these images there (on the plus side, there are a ton of other Godzilla images to look at over there).
Krampus Monster Gift Wrap by Aeron Alfrey
No way! This would be a fantastic gift wrap for Christmas. But unfortunately, it looks like I'm over a year late. These babies sold out in 2015 and Aeron Alfrey (of Monster Brains) hasn't made more. How cool is that though? Can anybody else recommend similar gift wrap?