Chris Ware's "Last Days"
The end of summer as depicted by Chris Ware on the latest New Yorker cover.
The complete Dragon Ball manga box set
Dragon Ball is an exhausting series to watch, so why not enjoy it in another medium by reading it instead? The entire Dragon Ball complete box set is now available for pre-order for $81.
Random collection of Godzilla comic book covers
I love, love, love, love, love these Godzilla comic book covers. I have had these images sitting in a special folder on my desktop for a few months now as general art inspiration and now that I'm posting about them, I cannot figure out where I found them originally! I feel horrible! I thought it might have been from one of my favorite blogs, Monster Brains, but I can't seem to find these images there (on the plus side, there are a ton of other Godzilla images to look at over there).
Life in six panels: Old Master Q creator Alfonso Wong dies at 93 | South China Morning Post
Man, I sort of read a lot of these Chinese comics growing up. And when I say read I really mean just looked at the photos because most of the time, Alfonso Wong was able to tell a pretty hilarious story without any words.
The history of comic book fonts and typefaces
This was a really fantastic video from Vox about the easily identifiable comic book font and its many variations. I didn't know this until watching the video, but apparently there's a fairly active and large community of comic book font creators making fonts for modern screens that don't necessarily have to commit to the old standards of pen on paper.
One of those companies is Comicraft which sells a number of great comic book fonts over at Comic Book Fonts. I want them all.
There's a Snoopy Museum in Tokyo
This is pretty cool, huh? There's a Snoopy Museum in Tokyo. I'd love to go when I'm there later. Just making a note for myself. Have you been? Is it worth going?