NYC Subway Tile Font
Brandon Sugiyama recreated the beautifu tiled lettering in the NYC Subway and made it available as a very affordable font purchase. He painstakingly recreated the type by hand and made the font with Glyphs. Download the monospaced tiled and untiled font for just $10.
Open-source alternative to Akzidenz Grotesk
This is neat. If you want an open-source and free alternative to Akzidenz Grotesk, you can click here to download HK Grotesk.
The history of comic book fonts and typefaces
This was a really fantastic video from Vox about the easily identifiable comic book font and its many variations. I didn't know this until watching the video, but apparently there's a fairly active and large community of comic book font creators making fonts for modern screens that don't necessarily have to commit to the old standards of pen on paper.
One of those companies is Comicraft which sells a number of great comic book fonts over at Comic Book Fonts. I want them all.