Future New York City - New Digital Subway Map by Work and Co
Some new work from Work and Co for the NYC MTA. You can check out the live map here. I think it looks great, but even on a desktop computer, the website seems to work very slowly. Surely there must be a way to make this more seamless?
And if you’re curious, the MTA seems to have updated their Maps page with tons of different maps for different routes and times.
Mapping out LA County's Homeless Population
A map you should look at today for the city in the US with the largest homeless population.
UPDATE: It looks like the LA Times has removed functionality for this map for some reason (but the link still works?). Here’s a related map of where proposed city initiatives will prevent or allow homeless people from living.
Dark Sky's Emoji weather map
I’ve written about this before, but I still find Dark Sky’s Emoji weather map pretty funny.
Why New Yorkers insisted on a worse Subway map
Heh, I never thought about how Vignelli’s map design (below) was shunned at the time because it inaccurately portrayed the distances of stops and locations of city streets above ground. Because crime was such a big problem, it gave people anxiety about being underground longer than they needed to be.