Tesla shows off what its cars see when they are on full auto-pilot mode
This is really neat, but the question that I always have regarding these self-driving vehicles is how they perform in bad weather. More specifically, snow. Humans often have a hard time navigating in snow when lane markings are covered and snow seems to introduce a lot of glare into cameras, not to mention the possibility of covering important car sensors that may need to "see" the road in other non-visual ways. I'd love to see how a Tesla handles that scenario. Still though, this is a pretty amazing thing to see a car completely drive itself to a destination and park without any human input.
There was that one instance in the video above where the car encountered some people walking on the road and braked hard (which I don't think a human would have necessarily done), but other than that, this was a near-perfect drive.
Adorable little girl really enjoying a ride in a Nissan GT-R
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy this video to start your day!
Florida Tow Show 2016
Yes, I watch really weird things on YouTube. If you saw my video history, your brain would explode. Here's a goodie I thought I'd share. This is the Florida Tow Show 2016. I kid you not, this is a car show, but instead of cars it's all tow trucks. TOW TRUCKS.
An ethical dilemma for self-driving cars
Hmm. This is an interesting question: How do you program a self-driving car to avoid life-ending maneuvers not only to the occupants inside the car but also to those around the car as well? Until our world is filled with self-driving cars that can communicate with each other, this will be a very heated topic.
Ford C-MAX NYPD car
Hey, look at this! It's a Ford C-MAX NYPD vehicle! Never seen this before and I assume these are rolling out slowly in all traffic precincts. This goes well with the NYPD Smart car.