Did you know that you can measure the distance between points on Google Maps?
Wut. I did not know about this. Apparently Google Maps has a measuring tool built in. All you have to do is right click on any point on the map, select "Measure Distance", and then click on a 2nd point elsewhere. All other calculations are done for you instantly. Once a line is drawn you can even add additional midway points if you need.
I hate how everybody thinks they need to format their videos like a syndicated TV show
This video is me. I hate clicking on a video only to find out that it's really a video of some channel head talking about the video screengrab rather than showing the video and just letting me think about it on my own. This seems more commonplace on Facebook but occassionally it pops up on popular YouTube channels as well.
The 282 People, Places, and Things Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter
My God, is the inauguration really this month? How quickly time passes. But also how everything sort of stays the same. For example, Donald Trump using Twitter like his diary. Back in October 2016, The New York Times compiled this complete list of 282 people, places, and things that Trump has insulted on Twitter. Each insult is directly linked to a Tweet of his (if it's deleted, you can look for it on his Twitter archive).
Just remember, for the next 4 years, Trump isn't tweeting for you. He's tweeting for himself.
Random collection of Godzilla comic book covers
I love, love, love, love, love these Godzilla comic book covers. I have had these images sitting in a special folder on my desktop for a few months now as general art inspiration and now that I'm posting about them, I cannot figure out where I found them originally! I feel horrible! I thought it might have been from one of my favorite blogs, Monster Brains, but I can't seem to find these images there (on the plus side, there are a ton of other Godzilla images to look at over there).
My favorite podcast episode of 2016: Reply All - Boy In Photo
If you haven't listened to this Reply All episode yet, you should. It's just a funny, weird, and interesting story about the internet. Go here: BOY IN PHOTO.
Trump Twitter Archive
The Trump Twitter Archive seems like a useful archiving tool especially since it looks like Trump has no intention to willfully follow the Presidential Records Act.