Zillow is threatening to sue a blogger for using its photos for parody - The Verge
This makes me sad. I hope Zillow doesn't actually sue McMansion Hell.
If you've never heard of the blog, it's too late now as the site has been taken down voluntarily (for now). BUT you can learn about this term from this fantastic 99% Invisible podcast.
Nobody Speak (official trailer)
Man. I need to watch this. It's essentially a documentary about Hulk Hogan vs Gawker and the larger problem of the very rich in this country essentially suing the press into oblivion. Now more important than ever.
PS: I miss Gawker. I wonder sometimes what sort of insanity they would be unleashing during this Trump era.
GoFraudMe is a website that finds GoFundMe
Adrienne Gonzalez runs GoFraudMe, a website dedicated to outing frauds on GoFundMe that take people's money without delivering that money to its intended recipient. GoFundMe apparently knows that this is a widespread issue and yet is slow to do anything about it.
Oh no, there's now an Airbnb just for tents
Airbnb clone Tentrr is now available for you to rent out your dream vacation tent.
New Twitter bot formats Trump's tweets into official looking White House press releases
This is perfect. A new Twitter bot called RealPressSecBot is checking for new Trump tweets every 5 minutes and then formatting them into official White House press releases. This is noteworthy because lately Trump seems to be taking to Twitter to say a lot of weird and stupid things and somehow nobody in his vicinity has told him that anything he says publicly can be taken as official statements.