Photography Herman Yung Photography Herman Yung

Look at this RED Pentax 6x7

This is hilarious. Thereā€™s a Pentax 6x7 setup on eBay that is selling for $1779. Quite a high mark-up for this particular version of the Pentax 6x7 TTL MLU. What makes this maybe worth the listing price is the fact that somebody decided to paint this baby RED.

UPDATE: Added a lot more photos.

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Photography Herman Yung Photography Herman Yung

DJI is working on mirrorless camera similar to Hasselblad X1D-50c

WOW! If this is true, this would potentially disturb the camera market I think. DJI has been clearly readying itself to enter the camera market with their advancements in camera technology and all sorts of accessories for film-making. A hand-held camera in mirror-less form factor makes sense and would not be a far stretch for the company who owns a majority stake in Hasselblad. Iā€™d be very interested in how this gets priced and whether or not it will force drastic pricing changes to the camera market.

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