Herman Yung Herman Yung

Donald Trump, the Most Unmanly President

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So many mysteries surround Donald Trump: the contents of his tax returns, the apparent miracle of his graduation from college. Some of them are merely curiosities; others are of national importance, such as whether he understood the nuclear-weapons briefing given to every president. I prefer not to dwell on this question.

But since his first day as a presidential candidate, I have been baffled by one mystery in particular: Why do working-class white men—the most reliable component of Donald Trump’s base—support someone who is, by their own standards, the least masculine man ever to hold the modern presidency?

This article contains all of the thoughts I often have concerning Trump’s supporters.

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Photography Herman Yung Photography Herman Yung

CineStill 50D film review

ISO 50 is so slow. This was interesting to watch but I can’t think of many situations where I would be shooting in ISO 50 conditions. Also, CineStill has seemingly gone UP in price over the last few months which makes it hard to recommend this film stock.

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Cars Herman Yung Cars Herman Yung

The pandemic is a poor excuse to elevate car culture

I’m not completely against the car, but reading this article from the NYT about how car culture is “renewed again” really drives home how dystopian this mode of transportation really is. It’s sort of a conundrum of American society that we’ve built cities and communities in such a way that the only way for us to see each other in some places is to drive there — which is why this article thinks car culture is back with a vengeance (hopefully it’s not).

While some might romanticize the photos shown here, I can’t help but think how oddly weird it is that we would box ourselves in even more in times of quarantine by sitting in a metal moving box with wide avenues and roads separating people, all for the sake of the moving vehicle. It makes no sense. Cars are indeed necessary, but as Americans, we’ve somehow boxed ourselves into a life that requires the car to do simple things like wish people a happy birthday. I mean…what?!

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