Graffiti history being erased from Detroit

Photo by Herman Yung

I was just reading this article on VICE about the clean-up of Detroit. The clean-up is mostly centered around graffiti removal which the city of Detroit is now fining property owners for when they don't do their part to clean up their own facades.

The city's plan for exiting bankruptcy protection at the end of 2014 included provisions to eradicate "blight." Mayor Mike Duggan, a long-time graffiti foe, created an anti-graffiti task force which stepped up prosecutions. The city also started fining business owners for failing to remove graffiti from their properties. "Graffiti is a business in Detroit now," legendary Detroit graffiti writer DONT told me. "City workers get paid to paint over it, property owners pay fines for having it on their buildings, and the city government makes money off all of that."

I'm a little sad to be honest and this article more than anything has pushed me closer to making me step on the gas pedal and get myself to Detroit before it changes all over again.


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