Video of people having a hard time finding the shuffle button in iOS 10

I mentioned this briefly in a previous post but iOS 10 is the first time I can remember in the history of using iOS where I really felt stumped on how it all worked. The new Messages app is a confusing mess (fun though after you read the manual...or watch a how-to) and the new Music app is just not intuitive at all. Just watch these people above try to figure out where the shuffle function is in the Music app. I mean, a standard, basic more or less hidden and undiscoverable by common means. Who would ever think of scrolling down to find the shuffle button? Discoverability has really taken a nosedive with iOS 10 and it's not a good sign of things to come if this is the new pattern. 


The New York Public Library


Here's a cover of Sia's Cheap Thrills played on a bicycle