Saved By The Max is a diner modeled after Saved By The Bell in Chicago

Of all of the places I visited in the last year, Chicago lives at the very top of that list. The memories I have there are well-cherished and when I think back about that time, I remember things like how easy it was to get around, all the beautiful architecture surrounding me, and the abundance of great food in every little neighborhood I was in. I often think about re-doing that trip.

One of the spots I didn't get to do (because I didn't know about it) was this placed called The Max (or I guess "Saved By The Max"). It's a diner inspired by the great '90s television show Saved By The Bell. The inside has all of the fantastic '90s nostalgia items to get you to not only remember the show but also to transport you back into that entire time period. Neon lights, lots of angled colored triangles, and some really, truly unhealthy food.

It looks like a very fun place that one would go to more for the experience than the food. And that's ok! I'll add this to my stops next time I'm back.

If you want to go, you'll have to book a reservation way ahead of time.


Emilio Gomariz's colorful artwork made with Mac OS X Finder


Adam Bomb vinyl figure