Herman Yung Herman Yung

Ben Medansky Ceramics

Last month I was in Las Vegas for CES (read here) and every morning during my short stay there I went and had a cup of coffee at PublicUs. This place is a tiny but wonderfully laid out cafe with food that serves their coffee in these Ben Medansky ceramic cups.

I wanted to buy some but it looks like Ben's studio has literally caught fire and has since been closed. I suspect he's probably trying to set up shop as soon as possible to make art and ceramics again. Hope he gets up and running soon. His cups were wonderful. I'd gift them and buy them for myself.

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Food Herman Yung Food Herman Yung

The problem with empty coffee cups in TV shows and movies

You know you've noticed it before. The damn empty coffee cups that sometimes include the hollow empty cup sound when placed on a desk. It bothers the heck out of me that this sort of thing is passed off as "real" when it clearly isn't. Especially when characters holding the cups, supposedly filled with coffee, flail their arms and hands like they weren't holding anything at all. It's the same feeling I get when movies and TV shows dub music over somebody who clearly isn't playing the violin. I know there's supposed to be some suspension of disbelief when zoning out to a show, but these things I cannot forgive.

So what is up with those empty cups? Using them is more distracting than using a real cup of coffee. I don't believe that there isn't some sort of budget for a few real coffee cups in each show. 

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