Hyper-realistic painting of a fried egg on canvas
So cool! Artist Marcello Barenghi paints this realistic looking giant fried egg on canvas and you can see the entire process from start to finish in this time-lapse video.
Here are a bunch of videos of egg-cracking machines
As you can tell from the sheer amount of videos posted here, egg-cracking machines aren't just wonderful pieces of technology for food makers, they are great displays of human ingenuity and creation too! To take something as delicate as an egg and have a bulky, heavy industrial machine crack thousands of them per hour without messing up a single one is pretty cool to watch. Makes you think twice about that fast-food egg sandwich you just ordered doesn't it?
Click inside to see the videos!
As you can tell from the sheer amount of videos posted here, egg-cracking machines aren't just wonderful pieces of technology for food makers, they are great displays of human ingenuity and creation too! To take something as delicate as an egg and have a bulky, heavy industrial machine crack thousands of them per hour without messing up a single one is pretty cool to watch. Makes you think twice about that fast-food egg sandwich you just ordered doesn't it?
This final one below isn't a machine, but I can't pass up how funny it is that this product exists. Is cracking an egg properly really that hard?