Two Omnium Cargo Bikes Meet in NYC
When two Omnium’s meet on the street…
Omnium Cargo Bikes aren’t necessarily rare in NYC but I rarely see them parked like this. So when I saw this full-sized Omnium cargo bike parked on Madison Avenue I knew I had to take the opportunity to get a duo shot. My Mini Max is on the right.
Omnium Mini Max at the Denny Farrell Greenway Bridge
I love this bike.
I love this pedestrian bridge. I travel across it often and its just a great peaceful place to look down at passing cars, people, and trains. If you ever see me and this bike, yell out and say hi! I might have stickers on me!
A hot dog shaped food cart as a cargo bike
Is this my new dream cargo bike?
This is pretty nuts and I love it! I first saw a photo of this on Bluesky and instantly wanted to know more. It turns out this beautiful hot dog shaped bicycle vending machine is made by a company called ETO Foodcarts.
They specialize in highly customizable deployable food carts that can be as standard as you want or as unique as they come — hence this hot dog bicycle. It looks like so far only one of these were made and it went to a vendor in Los Angeles.
ETO Foodcarts also made a similar version of this hot dog food service cart as a towable trailer. The trailer features much of the same shape as this bicycle version shown here.